Module Specifications.Assign01

Assignment 1

This assignment is due on Thursday 9/12 by 11:59PM. It's the first graded assignment of the semester.

Problem 1: Integer powers

val pow : int -> int -> int

Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, there is no function for integer powers in the OCaml standard library (nor the course standard library.

Implement the function pow which, given an integer n and a nonnegative integer k, returns the integer n^k.

let _ =
  let _ = assert (pow 2 3 = 8) in
  let _ = assert (pow (-2) 3 = -8) in
  let _ = assert (pow 3 4 = 81) in

The behavior of the implementation is undefined if the given exponent is negative.

Put your solution in a file called assign01/lib/ See the file assign01/test/test_suite/ for example output behavior.

Problem 2: Primes again

val nth_prime : int -> int

In Assignment 0, you wrote a predicate is_prime for determining if an integer is prime.

This time, implement the function nth_prime which, given a nonnegative integer n, returns the nth prime number (with repsect to 0-indexing).

let _ =
  let _ = assert (nth_prime 0 = 2) in
  let _ = assert (nth_prime 1 = 3) in
  let _ = assert (nth_prime 2 = 5) in
  let _ = assert (nth_prime 998 = 7907) in
  let _ = assert (nth_prime 999 = 7919) in

The behavior of the implementation is undefined if the argument is negative.

Put your solution in a file called assign01/lib/ See the file assign01/test/test_suite/ for example output behavior.

Problem 3: Integers encoding sequences

val nth : int -> int -> int

It's possible to encode sequences of positive integers as integers themselves (this is a trick commonly used in CS theory when you want to work with sequences but only have numbers).

We encode a sequence of positive integers (n_0, n_1, n_2, \dots, n_{k - 1}) by making them the exponents of the first k prime numbers p_0 = 2, p_1 = 3, p_2 = 5, and so on, and then multiplying them together:

p_0^{n_0} p_1^{n_1} p_2^{n_2}\dots p_{k - 1}^{n_{k-1}}

So, for example, the sequence (5, 3, 2, 2) is encoded as

2^5 3^3 5^2 7^2 = 1058400

Implement the function nth which, given an integers s and i, returns the ith element of the sequence encoded by s.

let _ =
  let l = 1058400 in
  let _ = assert (nth l 0 = 5) in
  let _ = assert (nth l 1 = 3) in
  let _ = assert (nth l 2 = 2) in
  let _ = assert (nth l 3 = 2) in

The behavor of the implementation is undefined if the first argument is not a valid encoding of a sequence, or if the second argument is out-of-bounds.

Put your solution in a file called assign01/lib/ See the file assign01/test/test_suite/ for example output behavior.

IMPORTANT. If you want access to the function you wrote in the previous problem, you need to put open Assign00_02 at the top of the file, or refer to the function as Assign00_02.nth_prime. This is a feature of the module system in OCaml, which we will cover more formally in a couple weeks.

Problem 4: Sequences to strings

val to_string : int -> string

Implement the function to_string which, given an integer which is a valid encoding of a sequence (according to the previous problem), returns a string representation of the sequence in the style of an OCaml list, i.e.,

  • the elements of the sequence are surrounded by square brackets
  • the elements are interposed with semicolons and a single whitespace character (there is no other whitespace)
let _ =
  let _ = assert (to_string 1 = "[]") in
  let _ = assert (to_string 8 = "[3]") in
  let _ = assert (to_string 24 = "[3; 1]") in
  let _ = assert (to_string 1058400 = "[5; 3; 2; 2]") in

The behavior of the implementation is undefined if the argument is not a valid encoding of a sequence.

Put your solution in a file called assign01/lib/ See the note in the previous problem about how to use the function nth in this file. See the file assign01/test/test_suite/ for example output behavior.