Module Specifications.Assign03

Assignment 3

This assignment is due on Thursday 9/26 by 11:59PM. It include both a programming part and a written part which are to be submitted on Gradescope under assign03 and assign03 (written), respectively.

A Note on Testing: You'll notice this time around that the tests for this assignment are divided per problem. If you want to run just the tests for problem 2, for example, you can run

dune exec -- ./test/test_assign03_02.exe

Note the .exe extension. Running dune test will run all tests. In order to run the tests you still have to have defined every function in the assignment. We would recommend creating dummy values for each problem when you start if you want to be able to run tests as you work.

Programming Part

Problem 1: Unique Keys

An association list in OCaml is not required to have unique keys. The function List.assoc looks up elements from left to right, so that if there are keys mapped to multiple values, only the most recently added value is returned.

However, it can be useful to assume that an association list has unique keys.

val mk_unique_keys : (string * int) list -> (string * int) list

Implement the function mk_unique_keys which given an association list alst with potentially repeating keys, returns a new association list with unique keys, and the property that the value associated with a key is the sum of all the values it is mapped to in alst. There is no requirement on the order of key-value pairs in the resultant association list.

let alst = [("the", 1); ("cat", 1); ("in", 1); ("the", 1); ("hat", 1)]
let alst = mk_unique_keys alst
let _ = assert (List.assoc "cat" alst = 1)
let _ = assert (List.assoc "the" alst = 2)

Put your solution in a file called assign03/lib/ See the file assign03/test/test_suite/ for more example output behavior.

Problem 2: Generalized Fibonacci (Tail-Recursion)

The Fibonacci sequence is defined as:

    F_n =
    1 & n < 2 \\
    F_{n - 1} + F_{n - 2} & n \geq 2

This sequence can be generalized as follows. Given a list of starting values l, we define the sequence

    G^l_n =
    l[i] & i < \mathsf{len}(l) \\
    \sum_{i = 1}^{\mathsf{len}(l)} G^l_{n - i} & i \geq \mathsf{len}(l)

This is exactly the Fibonacci sequence when l is [1; 1].

val gen_fib : int list -> int -> int

Implement the function gen_fib which, given a list of starting values l and an index k, returns G^l_k as defined above. Furthermore, your solution must be tail recursive. Note that the operator @ is technically not tail recursive, but you are allowed to use it in your solution. (For an added challenge, try to make the running time of your implementation independent of \mathsf{len}(l) asymptotically.) The behavior of the implementation is undefined if the starting list l is empty or the index k is negative.

Put your solution in a file called assign03/lib/ See the file assign03/test/test_suite/ for more example output behavior.

Problem 3: Tree Collapsing

One way to represent trees in OCaml is with the following recursive ADT. In this representation, a node may have zero or more children (as opposed to exactly two in the case of binary trees).

type tree =
  1. | Leaf of int
  2. | Node of tree list

The height of a tree is defined as the maximum number of steps from the root to a leaf or node. If a tree is just a leaf or a node with no children, then it has height 0 (this may be different from other definitions of height). So, for example, the tree

let t =
    [ Node
      [ Leaf 1
      ; Node []
      ; Leaf 100
    ; Leaf 1

has height 2 (Hint. See the file test/test_suite/ for an implement of the height function).

The height of an element in a tree (i.e., a node or a leaf in a tree) is the number of steps from the root to that element. Note that the height of an element is at most the height of the tree.

An element in a tree is terminal if it a leaf or a node with no children. Note that terminal elements are the only elements whose height can be the same as the height of the tree.

The process of collapsing a tree to height i (where i > 0) is defined formally as follows: for every node N of height i - 1, replace its children with the terminal elements in the subtree rooted at N, in order from left to right. So for example, collapsing t above to height 1 would yield the tree

let t =
    [ Leaf 1
    ; Node []
    ; Leaf 100
    ; Leaf 1
val collapse : int -> tree -> tree

Implement a function collapse which, given a positive integer h, and a tree t, returns the same tree collapsed to height h. The behavior of the implementation is undefined if h is not positive.

Put your solution in a file called assign03/lib/ See the file assign03/test/test_suite/ for example output behavior. Important. You must include the definition of tree in your solution.

Problem 4: Grouping

A list of integers l is valid if it satisfies the following properties:

Lists which do not not satisfy these properties are invalid. So, for example

let l1 = [1;2;3;0;-1;-2;-3;0;1]

is valid whereas

let l1 = [1;2;3;0;1;2;3;0;1]
let l2 = [0;1;2;3]
let l3 = [1;0;0;-1]

are invalid.

Intuitively a list is valid it it is made of nonempty sublists of same-sign integers, switching between positive and negative, separated by zeros (see how much nicer the formal description is?)

The grouping of a valid list of integers is a list of integer lists which groups together the adjacent nonzero entries (and drops the zero entries). So, for example,

let l1_grouping = [[1;2;3];[-1;-2;-3];[1]]

is the grouping for the valid list l1 above.

val group : int list -> int list list option

Implement a function group which given a list of integers l, returns the grouping of l given l is valid. The grouping should be returned as an option, where the output is None if the list is invalid.

Put your solution in a file called assign03/lib/ See the file assign03/test/test_suite/ for example output behavior.

Written Part

Problem 1: Typing Derivations

Write a derivation for the following typing judgment

    \{ \texttt{b} : \texttt{bool} \} \vdash
    \left(\texttt{let l i = [i; i + 1] in if b then l 0 else l 1}\right) \ : \ \texttt{int list}

Problem 2: Semantic Derivations

Write a derivation for the following semantic judgment

    \left(\texttt{let (x, b) = (3, false) in let l = [x; x + x] in if b then [] else l}\right) \Downarrow \texttt{[3; 6]}