Module Specifications.Assign05

Assignment 5

This assignment is due on Thursday 10/10 by 11:59PM. It includes both a programming part and a written part which are to be submitted on Gradescope under assign05 and assign05 (written), respectively.

In order to run the given test suite you have to define every required function in the assignment. We would recommend creating dummy values for each problem when you start if you want to be able to run tests as you work.

Programming Part

Problem 1: Folding and OUnit2

Roughly speaking, test suites in OUnit2 are represented by the following ADT.

type 'a test =
  1. | TestCase of 'a
  2. | TestList of 'a test list

A test suite is either a test case (created using the (>::) operator) or made up of a list of other test suites (created using the (>:::) operator). The ADT is parametrized by the type variable 'a because there are multiple kinds of test cases.

When we check a test suite, we run each test in that suite from left to right (i.e., in-order traversal) and collect all the results. This is most naturally represented by a fold operation over the test suite.

val fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b test -> 'a

Implement the function fold_left so that fold_left op base test is the result of applying op left-associatively to the test cases in test from left to right, starting with base.

Put your solution in a file called assign05/lib/ See the file assign05/test/test_suite/ for example output behavior. In particular, it may be useful to look at the function all_results (which is not unlike how we calculate grades from an OUnit2 test suite). IMPORTANT: You must include the definition of the type test in your solution.

Problem 2: Continuation Passing Style (Extra Credit)

We won't have an opportunity to discuss more deeply the notion of continuation passing style in this course, but we'll get a taste of it in this problem.

When we introduced tail recursion, we said that any function can be made tail recursive. This might be difficult to imagine when it comes to trees.

type 'a tree =
  1. | Leaf
  2. | Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree

Take for example the function which sums the elements of a tree.

let rec sum t =
  match t with
  | Leaf -> 0
  | Node (x, l, r) -> x + sum l + sum r

A first attempt at a tail recursive version of this function might look like:

let sum_tr =
  let rec go acc t =
    match t with
    | Leaf -> acc
    | Node (x, l, r) -> go (acc + x) ???
  in go 0

But it's unclear what we should recurse on, the left child, the right child, some combination? And does it really make sense to return the accumulated value at any leaf?

Continuation passing style (CPS) is a general technique for making any function tail recursive. The rough idea is to take as an argument a continuation which is a function that's called to "continue" the computation after we've computed our desired value.

This gives recursive functions access to what will happen after their done being evaluated. We can leverage this by pushing some of the computation into the continuation itself. Since the body of a function isn't evaluated until the function is called, we can essentially "hide" recursive calls in the continuation.

Let's consider an example. Here's the standard tail recursive sum function for lists as well as the CPS version.

let list_sum_tr =
  let rec go acc l =
    match l with
    | [] -> acc
    | x :: xs -> go (x + acc) xs
  in go 0

let list_sum_tr_cont l =
  let rec go l cont =
    match l with
    | [] -> cont 0
    | x :: xs -> go xs (fun sum_xs -> cont (x + sum_xs))
  in go l (fun x -> x)

Let's break this down. The function go takes as arguments l of type int list and cont of type int -> 'a. The argument cont is the continuation. It's the function we call on the sum of the elements of l once we've figured that out. So:

Finally, we call go on the identity continuation fun x -> x so that what we do after we get the sum of the elements in l is just return the sum.

In a bit more detail, the evaluation goes as follows:

go [1;2] (fun x -> x)                                                        ---->
go [2] (fun sum_2 -> (fun x -> x) (1 + sum_2))                               ---->
go [] (fun sum_nil -> (fun sum2 -> (fun x -> x) (1 + sum_2)) (2 + sum_nil))  ---->
(fun sum_nil -> (fun sum2 -> (fun x -> x) (1 + sum_12)) (2 + sum_nil)) 0     ---->
(fun sum2 -> (fun x -> x) (1 + sum_2)) (2 + 0)                               ---->
(fun x -> x) (1 + (2 + 0))                                                   ---->
1 + (2 + 0)

In essence, we're encoding the sum in a sequence of function calls.

val sum_tr : int tree -> int

Implement the function sum_tr so that sum_tr t is the sum of the elements in t. Your implementation must be tail recursive. You should use the above example as a prototype for continuation passing style. A rough outline of the function:

  • If the tree is empty, call your continuation on 0.
  • If the tree is nonempty, then recurse on the left child, and then in the continuation recurse on the right child.

Put your solution in a file called assign05/lib/ See the file assign05/test/test_suite/ for example output behavior. IMPORTANT: You must include the definition of the type tree in your code. IMPORTANT: Even if you don't want to attempt this problem, you should fill in a dummy value, something like

type 'a tree =
  | Leaf
  | Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree

fun sum_tr _ = 12345

Problem 3: Anonymous Functions

Consider the following ADT for expressions in a language with typed anonymous functions (this is sometimes called the simply typed lambda calculus).

type ident = string
type ty =
  1. | Unit
  2. | Arr of ty * ty
type expr =
  1. | Var of ident
  2. | Fun of ident * ty * expr
  3. | App of expr * expr

For example, the expression

(fun (f : unit -> unit) -> fun (x : unit) -> f x) (fun (y : unit) -> y)

can be represented by the value

( Fun
  ( "f"
  , Arr (Unit, Unit)
  , Fun
    ( "x"
    , Unit
    , App (Var "f", Var "x")
, Fun ("y", Unit, Var "y")

We type expressions according to the following rules.

    \frac{x : \tau \in \Gamma}{\Gamma \vdash x : \tau}
    {\Gamma, x : \tau_1 \vdash e : \tau_2}
    {\Gamma \vdash \texttt{fun} \ \texttt{(} x \ \texttt{:} \ \tau_1 \texttt{)} \ \texttt{->} \ e : \tau_1 \to \tau_2}
    {\Gamma \vdash e_1 : \tau_2 \to \tau
     \Gamma \vdash e_2 : \tau_2
    {\Gamma \vdash e_1 \ e_2 : \tau}
type ctxt = (ident * ty) list
val type_of : ctxt -> expr -> ty option

Implement the function type_of so that type_of gamma e is Some t if e has type t in the context gamma, and is None otherwise.

Put your solution in a file called assign05/lib/ See the file assign05/test/test_suite/ for example output behavior. IMPORTANT: You must include the definitions of type and expr in your code.

Problem 4: Sets

Consider the following signature for a finite integer sets (click INT_SET to expand).

module type INT_SET = sig ... end
type set_info = {
  1. ind : int -> bool;
  2. mn : int;
  3. mx : int;

In this problem, you need to implement two modules with the above signature.

Put your solution in a file called assign05/lib/ See the file assign05/test/test_suite/ for example output behavior.

IMPORTANT: You must include the definition of set_info in your code. You should not include the module signature INT_SET and you should not or give a signature to the modules ListSet or FuncSet. That is, you should write

module ListSet = struct
 (* ... *)

and you should not write

module ListSet : INT_SET = struct
  (* ... *)

The signatures of ListSet and FuncSet are already given in the .mli file. Finally, you should leave the files assign05_04.mli and as they are.

Written Part

Problem 1: Recursive Functions

So far, we haven't introduced any rules for typing recursive functions. Here's such a rule.

    {\Gamma, f : \tau \to \tau_1, x : \tau \vdash e_1 : \tau_1
     \Gamma, f : \tau \to \tau_1 \vdash e_2 : \tau_2
    {\Gamma \vdash \texttt{let rec} \ f \ x \ \texttt{=} \ e_1 \ \texttt{in} \ e_2 : \tau_2}

The difference between this and our \textsf{LetFunc} rule is that the variable f appears in the context of the left premise. Using this rule, give a typing derivation to the following judgment.

    \cdot \vdash \texttt{let rec f n = if n = 0 then 1 else f (n - 1) in f 10} : \texttt{int}

Problem 2: Anonymous Functions

We also haven't given a rule for evaluating anonymous function applications. Here's such a rule.

    \frac{e_2 \Downarrow v_2 \qquad [v_2 / x] e_1 \Downarrow v}
    {(\texttt{fun} \ x \ \texttt{->} \ e_1) \ e_2 \Downarrow v}

Using this rule, give a derivation for the following judgment

    \texttt{(fun x -> x + 1) ((fun x -> x * x) 3)} \Downarrow \texttt{10}

Remark: We're being a little informal here, things get a bit more complicated when we start evaluating higher-order functions.