Module Specifications.Assign06

Assignment 6

This assignment is due on Thursday 10/24 by 11:59PM.

In order to run the given test suite you have to define every required function in the assignment. We would recommend creating dummy values for each problem when you start if you want to be able to run tests as you work.

The purpose of this assignment is to give you a taste of the mini-projects. It's also an opportunity to implement some simple parsing (something we won't do in the second half of the course).

In this assignment, you will be building an interpreter for expressions in reverse Polish notation (RPN). In reverse Polish notation, all operators are postfix, meaning they come after their arguments. For example, we will write 2 3 + for the sum of 2 and 3. One benefit of reverse polish notation is that it doesn't require parentheses (make sure to convince yourself of this). Another is that it's easy to parse.

Here is a simple example of an expression in this language.

2 3 + 3 3 + < 0 1 1 + ?

This expression has type \texttt{int} and evaluates to \texttt{0}.

In more familiar OCaml-like syntax, this would look like:

if 2 + 3 < 3 + 3 then 0 else 1 + 1

In the mini-projects, you're going to be given three things about a language: the syntax, the typing rules, and the semantics. It will then be your task to implement an interpreter.

Here's the syntax of our toy language.

      \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{<expr>}} &::= \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{<int>}} \\
      &\hspace{3mm}| \hspace{2.5mm} \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{<expr>}} \ \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{<expr>}} \ \textcolor{red}{\texttt{+}} \\
      &\hspace{3mm}| \hspace{2.5mm} \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{<expr>}} \ \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{<expr>}} \ \textcolor{red}{\texttt{<}} \\
      &\hspace{3mm}| \hspace{2.5mm} \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{<expr>}} \ \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{<expr>}} \ \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{<expr>}} \ \textcolor{red}{\texttt{?}} \\

We'll talk more about this notation very soon, but hopefully the idea is clear. An expression is either number, or some expressions followed by an operator symbol.

Next, the typing rules. Expressions can either be integers or Boolean values. These should feel familiar.

    {n \text{ is an integer literal}}
    {n : \texttt{int}}
    {e_1 : \texttt{int}
     e_2 : \texttt{int}
    {e_1 \ e_2 \ \texttt{+} : \texttt{int}}
    {e_1 : \texttt{int}
     e_2 : \texttt{int}
    {e_1 \ e_2 \ \texttt{<} : \texttt{bool}}
    {e_1 : \texttt{bool}
     e_2 : \tau
     e_3 : \tau
    {e_1 \ e_2 \ e_3 \ \texttt{?} : \tau}

Finally, the semantics. These should also feel familiar.

    {n \text{ is an integer literal}}
    {n \Downarrow n}
    {e_1 \Downarrow v_1 \qquad e_2 \Downarrow v_2 \qquad v_1 + v_2 = v}
    {e_1 \ e_2 \ \texttt{+} \Downarrow v}
    {e_1 \Downarrow v_1 \qquad e_2 \Downarrow v_2 \qquad v_1 < v_2}
    {e_1 \ e_2 \ \texttt{<} \Downarrow \texttt{true}}
    {e_1 \Downarrow v_1 \qquad e_2 \Downarrow v_2 \qquad v_1 \geq v_2}
    {e_1 \ e_2 \ \texttt{<} \Downarrow \texttt{false}}
    {e_1 \Downarrow \texttt{true} \qquad e_2 \Downarrow v_2}
    {e_1 \ e_2 \ e_3 \ \texttt{?} \Downarrow v_2}
    {e_1 \Downarrow \texttt{false} \qquad e_3 \Downarrow v_3}
    {e_1 \ e_2 \ e_3 \ \texttt{?} \Downarrow v_3}

Problem 1: Your First Lexer

In rough terms, lexing is the process of converting a string into a list of tokens. Tokens are the abstract units of a programming language. We convert our input program (a string) into a list of tokens so that we don't need to deal with low-level concerns like whitespace when parsing. For our simple language, we will assume that every symbol or number must be separated by at least one whitespace character. Therefore, lexing is a matter of converted each whitespace-separated string into its corresponding abstract respresentation, e.g., "+" becomes TAdd and "-123" becomes TNum (-123).

type tok =
  1. | TNum of int
  2. | TAdd
  3. | TLt
  4. | TIte
val lex : string -> tok list option

Implement the function lex so that lex s is

You can do this any way you'd like, but it would be simplest to use the functions split and tok_of_string_opt in

Put your solution into a file called lib/ See the file test/test_suite/ for example behavior. Remember that you need to include the line open Utils if you want to use the above mentioned functions.

Problem 2: Your First (RPN) Parser

Ultimately, we will use an ADT to represent our expressions, just as we did for our OCaml-like toy languages from previous assignments.

type expr =
  1. | Num of int
  2. | Add of expr * expr
  3. | Lt of expr * expr
  4. | Ite of expr * expr * expr
val parse : tok list -> expr option

Implement the function parse so that parse toks is

You can do this any way you'd like, but I'd recommend the following. It's natural to implement a parser for RPN expressions using a stack, i.e., processing tokens from left to right,

For example:

2 3 + 5 <         []
3 + 5 <           [Num 2]
+ 5 <             [Num 3; Num 2]
5 <               [Add (Num 2, Num 3)]
<                 [Num 5; Add (Num 2, Num 3)]
                  [Lt (Add (Num 2, Num 3), Num 5)]

Hint: You can implement parse tail-recursively and maintain the stack as an accumulator.

Put your solution into a file called lib/ See the file test/test_suite/ for example behavior. Remember that you need to include the line open Utils to use the types defined there.

Problem 3: A Type Checker

type ty =
  1. | TInt
  2. | TBool
val type_of : expr -> ty option

Implement the function type_of so that type_of e is

Put your solution into a file called lib/ Remember that you need to include the line open Utils to use the types defined there. There are no provided tests this week, you will have to test this function yourself.

Problem 4: An Evaluator

type value =
  1. | VNum of int
  2. | VBool of bool
val eval : expr -> value

Implement the function eval so that eval e is v is the value of e given that e is well-typed. The behavior of the implementation is undefined if e is not well-typed (i.e., if type_of e is None).

Put your solution into a file called lib/ Remember that you need to include the line open Utils to use the types defined there. There are no provided tests this week, you will have to test this function yourself.

The Executable

Once you've finished the above problems, you can run your interpreter on an actual program (whoa). There are several example programs in the directory examples. If you've done everything correctly, you should be able to run the command

dune exec assign06 examples/file_name

(replace file_name with the name of one of the files in that directory) which will print out the value of the expression in the file. You can even write your own programs if you'd like.

To be clear, there are no tasks for the assignment in this section, this is just for fun. That said, please look through the file bin/ This file chains together the lexer, parser, type checker, and evaluator. In the future, we will be asking you to write this part.