Module Specifications.Assign2

This assignment is due on Thursday 2/6 by 8:00PM. You should put all of your solutions in a file called assign2/lib/ See the file test/ for example behavior of each function.


Practice Problems (Ungraded)

These problems come from a list of Exercises on OCaml's webpage. We won't grade these (the solutions are given with the problem statements).

Integers or Strings

type int_list_or_string_list =
  1. | IntList of int list
  2. | StringList of string list
type int_or_string =
  1. | Int of int
  2. | String of string
val convert : int_or_string list -> int_list_or_string_list list

Implement the function convert so that convert l is an int_list_or_string_list list in which adjacent string values and int values are grouped together. Important. Make sure to include the definitions of int_or_string and int_list_or_string_list in your solution.

Recipes by Ingredients

type recipe = {
  1. name : string;
  2. ingrs : string list;
val recipes_by_ingrs : recipe list -> string list -> recipe list

Implement the function recipes_by_ingrs such that recipes_by_ingrs recs ingrs is the sublist of recipes from recs (preserving their order in recs) whose ingredients are entirely included in ingrs. Important. Make sure to include the definition of recipe in your solution.

Memory Allocator

type mem_status =
  1. | Free
  2. | Occupied
type memory = (mem_status * int) list

In this problem, you will be building an allocator for a very simple model of (unlimited) memory. In this model, we represent memory as a list of pairs of values, each representing a chunk of memory. The first entry of the pair tells us if the chunk is Free or Occupied, and the second tells us how many units of memory the chunk occupies. Furthermore, we require that memory has the following properties:

For example, the list:

[Free 3; Occupied 1; Occupied 3; Free 2; Occupied 1]

would represent the layout:

Status:   | F | F | F | O | O | O | O | F | F | O | F | F | ...
Position: 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12...

Note that positions do not correspond to indices of chunks in the list.

You will be implementing two functions. The function allocate allocates memory by placing an Occupied chunk of memory in the leftmost available position. It's possible to allocate a chunk of memory at position i of size size if the positions i, i + 1, ..., i + size - 1 are Free. After allocation, these positions become Occupied. In the above example, it should be possible to allocate a chunk of memory of size 2 at position 0 giving us the list:

[Occupied 2; Free 1; Occupied 1; Occupied 3; Free 2; Occupied 1]

whereas the leftmost place to allocate a chunk of memory of size 5 is at position 10, giving us the list:

[Free 3; Occupied 1; Occupied 3; Free 2; Occupied 1; Occupied 5]

The second function free should make an Occupied block of memory into a Free block, given its position. In addition it must maintain the invariants described above.

type alloc_result =
  1. | Success of int * memory
  2. | Invalid_size
val allocate : int -> memory -> alloc_result

Implement the function allocate so that allocate size mem is an alloc_result according to the following allocation strategy:

  • If size is not positive, then it is invalid.
  • Otherwise, allocate size mem should be the same as mem except with an Occupied chuck of memory of size size in the leftmost possible position, together with the position itself.
type free_result =
  1. | Success of memory
  2. | Invalid_position
val free : int -> memory -> free_result

Implement the function free so that free pos mem is a free_result such that:

  • If pos is negative, or is not the beginning of an Occupied chunk of memory, then the position is invalid
  • The chunk starting at pos in mem should be converted to a Free block and the result should be updated to maintain the above invariants (no adjacent Free chunks, no ending Free chunks.


Typing in OCaml (1)

   \{ \texttt{z} : \texttt{int} \} \vdash \texttt{fun x -> fun y -> x y z + y z + z} : \tau

Is there a type \tau such that the above typing judgment holds in OCaml? If so, determine the type. If not, justify your answer.

Typing in OCaml (2)

   \{ \texttt{g} : \texttt{int -> bool} \} \vdash \texttt{let rec f x = g (f (x + 1))} : \tau

Is there a type \tau such that the above typing judgment holds in OCaml? If so, determine the type. If not, justify your answer.

For Loops

Suppose you're interested in adding a kind of functional for-loop into an OCaml-like language. You decide on the syntax

<expr> ::= repeat <expr> times <expr> from <expr>

That is, if e_1, e_2, and e_3 are well-formed expressions, then so is

   \texttt{repeat} \ e_1 \ \texttt{times} \ e_2 \ \texttt{from} \ e_3

The hope is that you can write code like

let fact n =
  let loop =
    repeat n times
      let (i, m) = acc in
      (i + 1, m * i)
      (1, 1)
  in let (_, out) = loop in out

or even:

let fact n =
  let loop =
    repeat n times
      { i = acc.i + 1; out = acc.out * acc.i }
      { i = 1; out = 1 }
  in loop.out

Intuitively, we need to requires in repeat n times e1 from e2 that n is an int and the e1 and e2 have the same type. Furthermore we require that e1 is well-typed a context which includes a variable acc which is the same type as that of e1 and e2.

In English, the typing rule for this new construct is as follows: if e_1 is of type int in the context \Gamma, and e_2 is of type \tau in the context \Gamma with the additional declaration that the variable acc is of type \tau, and e_3 is of type \tau in the context \Gamma, then \texttt{repeat} \ e_1 \ \texttt{times} \ e_2 \ \texttt{from} \ e_3 is of type \tau.

Write this typing rule as a formal inference rule.