Module Specifications.Assign3

This assignment is due on Thursday 2/13 by 8:00PM. You should put all of your solutions in a file called assign3/lib/ See the file test/ for example behavior of each function.


Practice Problems (Ungraded)

These problems come from a list of Exercises on OCaml's webpage. We won't grade these (the solutions are given with the problem statements).

Note that a we call a multiway tree a nonempty tree (ntree) in stdlib320.

Tree Conversion

type 'a tree =
  1. | Leaf
  2. | Node2 of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree
val ntree_of_tree : 'a tree -> 'a Stdlib320.ntree option

Implement the function ntree_of_tree so that ntree_of_tree t is None if t is empty (i.e., it's just a leaf) and, otherwise, is Some t' where t' is a representation of t as a nonempty (i.e., multiway) tree.

Tail-Recursive Fibonacci Variant

The standard Fibonacci sequence is define by the following recurrence relation.

    F_0 &= 1 \\
    F_1 &= 1 \\
    F_n &= F_{n - 1} + F_{n - 2}

We will update this definition so that we have three initial values (which are parameters of the function below):

    G_0 &= a \\
    G_1 &= b \\
    G_2 &= c \\
    G_n &= G_{n - 1} + G_{n - 2} + G_{n - 3}
val fib3_tail : (int * int * int) -> int -> int

Implement the function fib3_tail so that fib (a, b, c) n is the G_n as defined above. Your solution must be tail recursive.

File Trees

We can think of a file system as tree of directories and files. In this problem we will be converting a list of files paths into an ntree. For example, given the paths:


we can construct the nonempty tree file_tree "." paths:

Node (".", [
  Node ("dir1", [
    Node ("file1", []);
    Node ("file2", []);
  Node ("dir2", [
    Node ("dir3", [
      Node ("file1", []);
    Node ("file1", []);

which we can then print with NTree.print (fun x -> x):

│  ├──file1
│  └──file2
   │  └──file1

In this representation, a file is a leaf node, i.e., a node with no children. We will take a very relaxed definition of a file name: a file name can be any sequence of characters not including '/'. This means that every string is a valid path (even "foo/bar///baz". In particular "" represents the file with the empty string as its name (this is not realistic, but it make the problem easier). This definition allows us to use the function split_on_char from Lab 3 to help us split a path into its individual components.

val file_tree : string -> string list -> string Stdlib320.ntree

Implement the function file_tree so that file_tree root file_paths is an ntree consisting of all the paths given in file_paths, and whose root value is root. It is possible for file_paths to contain duplicates, but if it does not, there should be a one-to-one correspondence between paths from the root to the leaves of the tree and paths in file_paths.

To aid you, we'll provide the following function:

let rec files_of_tree (Node (root, children)) =
  let rec expand children =
    match children with
    | [] -> []
    | c :: cs -> files_of_tree c @ expand cs
  let rec add_root fs =
    match fs with
    | [] -> []
    | f :: fs -> (root ^ "/" ^ f) :: add_root fs
  if children = []
  then [root]
  else add_root (expand children)

If you apply this function to the output of file_tree, you should get back the same list of file paths (potentially in a different order) but with the root directory append to the front of each one.

Expressions (with Variables)

In lecture, we saw a representation of arithmetic expressions as values of an ADT. In this problem we'll be working with a similar ADT, representing arithmetic expressions (over addition and multiplication only) with variables.

type expr =
  1. | Num of int
  2. | Var of string
  3. | Add of expr * expr
  4. | Mul of expr * expr
val subst : expr -> string -> expr -> expr

Implement the function subst so that subst e1 x e2 is the result of replacing every instance of the variable identified by x in e2 with the expression e1. In mathematical notation, this would be [e_1 / x] e_2. So, for example, we would have that [y + 4 / z](z * 3) = (y + 4) * 3.

Note: We've mentioned that substitution is tricky to implement correctly. This is not the case for simple arithmetic expressions. In this case, substitution is exactly replacement of variables, no tricky cases.

val string_of_expr : expr -> string

Implement the function string_of_expr so that string_of_expr e is a string representation of e according to the following rules.

  • Every operator is surrounded by exactly one space. There is no other whitespace in the string.
  • Multiplication has higher precedence than addition. This means that the expression Mul (Num 2, Add (Num 3, Num 4)) should be represented by the string "2 * (3 + 4)" and not "2 * 3 + 4".
  • Sequences of the same operator should not have parentheses. For example, Add (Num 2, Add (Num 3, Num 4)) should be represented by the string "2 + 3 + 4" and not "(2 + 3) + 4" or "2 + (3 + 4)".
  • Parentheses should be included only when necessary for disambiguation. For example, Add (Mul (Num 2, Num 3), Num 4) should be represented by the string "2 * 3 + 4" and not "(2 * 3) + 4"
  • A negative number should be surrounded by parentheses unless it is the first number of a (possibly empty) sequence of operations at the top-level, or within parentheses. For example Add (Num (-2), Add (Num (-3), Num 4)) should be represented as the string "-2 + (-3) + 4" whereas Mul (Num (-2), Add (Num (-3), Num 4)) should be represented by the string "-2 * (-3 + 4)". Note that -3 is not surrounded by parentheses in this last example.
  • A variable should be represent by its name, e.g., Add (Var "x") (Var "foo") should be represend by the string x + foo.


All of the problems in this section are based on the inferences rules we've given in class, compiled here.

Typing Derivation to English

                               ──────────────────────(iL) ──────────────────────(intLit)
                               {f:int→bool} ⊢ 2 : int    {f:int→bool} ⊢ 3 : int
─────────────────────────(var) ────────────────────────────────────────────────(addInt)
{f:int→bool} ⊢ f:int→bool                 {f:int→bool} ⊢ 2+3 : int
                  {f:int→bool} ⊢ f (2+3) : bool

Write an English argument which expresses the same thing as the derivation above. Note. It's very subjective what constitutes enough detail. You'll be graded primarily on effort, please just be as descriptive as you can, using your best judgment.

Typing Derivation

   \{ \texttt{f} : \texttt{int -> bool} \} \vdash \texttt{(if f 2 then (fun x -> true) else f) 3} : \texttt{bool}

Give a derivation of the above typing judgment. Note. This will take a bit of space. Please write as neatly as possible.

Semantic Derivation

   \texttt{let x = true in 3 + (if false || x then 2 else 1)} \Downarrow 5

Give a derivation of the above semantic judgment.