Module Specifications.Assign4

This assignment is due on Thursday 2/20 by 8:00PM. You should put all of your solutions in assign4/lib/ See the file test/ for example behavior of each function.


Practice Problems (Ungraded)

These problems come from a list of Exercises on OCaml's webpage. We won't grade these (the solutions are given with the problem statements).

Where possible, try to use higher-order functions, like map and fold_left.

Basic Higher Order Functions

val curry : (('a * 'b) -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c

Implement the function curry which converts a "multi-argument" function (i.e., a function which takes a tuple as an argument) into nested single-argument functions.

val uncurry : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a * 'b) -> 'c

Implement the function uncurry, which is the inverse of curry, i.e., it converts a Curried two-argument function into a function which take a tuple as an argument.

val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list

Implement the function filter_map so that filter_map p l is the result of applying p to every element of l, filtering out the None elements, and keeping only the arguments to the Some elements.

val split_list : ('a * 'b) list -> 'a list * 'b list

Implement the function split_list so that split_list l is a pair of lists (lefts, rights) where lefts consists of the first elements of every pair in l (in order) and rights consists of the second elements of every pair in l.

val split_tree : ('a * 'b) Stdlib320.ntree -> 'a Stdlib320.ntree * 'b Stdlib320.ntree

Implement the function split_tree so that split_tree t constructs two trees of the same structure as t, one with the left element of the tuple in each node of t, and one with the right element of the tuple in each node.

Tree Filtering

Defining filters on trees is a bit more complicated than on lists because we have to determine what structure should be maintained if the value at a node is removed. One way of defining filters on tree is to promote the leftmost child of a node that is filtered out by the given predicate.

val tree_filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a Stdlib320.ntree -> 'a Stdlib320.ntree option

Implement the function tree_filter so that tree_filter p t is the result of keeping nodes in t according to the following rules:

  • If the value at a node satisfies p, then it should be left as it is and it's children should be recursively filtered
  • If a node does not satisfy p and it has at least one child, then it should be replaced with it's leftmost child l and it's remaining children should be should be appended to the front of the children of l. The resulting tree should then be recursively filtered.
  • If the value at a node does not satisfy p and it has no children, then the result should be None.

Random Walks

We can think of a function p of type int -> int as a path generator in the (infinite) complete graph on integers. Given a starting value start, the path of length 3 generated by p starting at start is

[start; p start; p (p start); p (p (p start))]

For example, the function fun x -> x + 2 generates the length 5 path [0;2;4;6;8;10] starting at 0.

We can analogously, think of a function r of the similar type int -> int list as a random walk generator in the same graph. Rather than taking a single step from x to r x, we can choose of the vertices uniformly at random from r x.

For example, the classic drunkards walk can be represented by the function

let drunkard x = [x + 1; x - 1]

As we've learned from several of the prerequistes for this course, taking a random walk for a number of steps n from a starting point start defines a distribution over the vertices in our graph, telling us the probability of being at a each vertex after taking n steps from start.

type rat = {
  1. num : int;
  2. denom : int;
type distr = (int * rat) list

We can define a (discrete) probability distribution to be a collection of values paired with rational numbers, representing the probability of each value. If a value does not appear in this list, then it has probability 0. We maintain that:

  • the sum of the probabilites is 1;
  • there is at most one pair (v, prob) for any value v;
  • the values are in increasing order;
  • the rational numbers in the distribution are in reduced form.
val random_walk : (int -> int list) -> int -> int -> distr

Implement the function random_walk so that the distribution random_walk walk start num_steps is the one defined over vertices of the complete graph on integers after taking an num_steps length random walk starting at start. Specifically, if the probability of being at vertex n is p, then (n, p) should appear in the resulting distribution.

assert (random_walk drunkard 0 0 = [(0, {num=1;rat=1})])
assert (random_walk drunkard 0 1 = [(-1, {num=1;rat=2}); (1, {num=1;rat=2})])
assert (random_walk drunkard 0 2
        = [(-2, {num=1;rat=4}); (0, {num=1;rat=2}), (2, {num=1;rat=4})])

Important: You may assume that walk n is nonempty for every integer n.


An OCaml Puzzle

type 'a foo = Foo of ('a foo -> 'a)
let bar (Foo f) = f
let baz x = bar x x
let out = baz ???

Consider the above OCaml program. Given an expression to put in place of ??? so that out evaluates to the integer 42. Explain your answer.

Typing Derivation

   \varnothing \vdash
   \texttt{let a = let b = 3 in b + b in (a, true)} : \tau

Determine a type \tau such that the above typing judgment is derivable, and give the derivation.

Semantic Derivation

   \texttt{let a = let b = 3 in b + b in 4 * a} \Downarrow v

Determine a value v such that the above semantic judgment is derivable, and give the derviation.