Formal Grammar
Table of Contents
Before discussing parsing, we have to look at its mathematical counterpart: formal language theory. We won't put heavy emphasis on formal language theory in this course (as interesting as it is); rather the most important thing to get from these notes are:
- the terminology, you need to know what a grammar is, what precedence is, etc.
- the ability to read a grammar and (in time) construct a parser from it using a parser generator
In particular, the problem of designing grammars is a subtle and difficult one, and certainly one worth studying if you're interested. But, logistically speaking, in this course you will be given a grammar, from which you will generate a parser.
Most of us are familiar with grammar in the context of natural language. In English class, we learn that we should use the article "an" instead of "a" if its corresponding noun starts with a vowel sound, and that what follows a semicolon should be a independent clause (i.e., should be able to stand on its own as a complete sentences). These are examples of English grammar rules.
Grammar, in broad strokes, refers to the rules which govern what constitutes a well-formed sentence in a given language, barring low-level syntactic concerns like spelling or whitespace. It's the concern of grammar to determine that
I taught the car in the refrigerator
makes grammatical sense and that
I car teach refrigerator in there
does not. It's not the concern of grammar to determine that the first sentence, though grammatical, has no reasonable interpretation in English (except, perhaps, in surrealist fiction).
Programming languages──being themselves languages in their own right, albeit more stringent ones than natural languages──have their own grammars, i.e., rules for determining what counts as a well-formed program. Due to the grammatic precision expected of programming languages (we don't want too much variation in what we are allowed to write as a valid program), these tend to be called formal grammars.
Example. In OCaml, the program
let f x = x + 1is well-formed, but the program
let f x = x 1 +is not, because the rule for using the
operator is that its arguments appear to its left and its right, i.e., it's an infix operator.1
As in the case of natural language, grammars for programming languages are not concerned with the meaning of programs, just their well-formedness. The program
let omega x = x x
is well-formed in OCaml, but it's not well-typed since the argument
is expected to be a function of type 'a -> 'b
as well as an
argument of type 'a
, an impossibility in the type system of OCaml.
If our goal is to interpret computer programs, then we have to understand formally──both theoretically and practically──the grammars describing the well-formed programs. This means being able to represent and interpret representations of formal grammars. The grammar of OCaml, for example, is given in its entirety in The OCaml Manual. After going through this chapter, you should be able to interpret the specification given there.
Placing this in the pipeline of interpretation, a grammar represents the target of parsing. As a reminder, a stream of tokens is parsed into a parse tree, a hierarchical structure which describes the way the program is formally composed. It's easier to determine the meaning of a program (i.e., to interpret it) given its hierarchical structure as opposed to its linear form as a stream of tokens.
Remark. This is another way of conceptualizing the role of grammar: it determines the hierarchical structure of a sentence. A sentence may be considered well-formed if it can constructed as well-formed parse tree, e.g.
S ├──┐ NP VP │ ├──────┐ N V NP │ │ ├───────┐ │ │ NP PP │ │ ├───┐ ├──┐ │ │ A N P NP │ │ │ │ │ ├───┐ │ │ │ │ │ A N │ │ │ │ │ │ │ I taught the car in the refrigerator.
Its not important that you know exactly what you each of the abbreviations in the above image stand for (this isn't a linguistics course, but hopefully we can make educated guesses) but hopefully the structure aligns with your intuition about how words in the sentences are grouped.
In this collection of notes on formal grammars, we will:
- define Backus-Naur Form specifications, a way of describing so-called context-free grammars, which we will use to present the grammars of programming languages;
- discuss ambiguity in grammar along with how to avoid it (and why);
- Look at Extended BNF as a slightly more useful framework for specifying programming languages.
Backus-Naur Form
Backus-Naur Form (BNF) specifications are used to describe what are called context-free grammars. Context-free grammars form a class of formal grammars which are sufficiently expressive to capture the grammars of most programming languages. We will be using BNF specifications to describe the rules which determine well-formed programs in programming languages we aim to interpret.
First, a toy example/thought experiment. Consider the following English statement.
the cow jumped over the moon
Suppose we tried to break down the cognitive process of determining that this sentence is grammatical. We might first recognize that each word falls into a particular part of speech. We can represent this step of the process by replacing each word in the sentence with a symbol standing for each figure of speech (the choice of symbol being influenced by what is to come).
<article> <noun> <verb> <prep> <article> <noun>
We then might recognize some familiar patterns: <article> <noun>
captures the determination or quantification of an object, so we might
mentally group these symbols (into what grammaticists call nominal
phrases or noun phrases) and represent them by a new symbol:
<noun-phrase> <verb> <prep> <noun-phrase>
Then we might recognize that a preposition followed by a noun phrase is also single unit ("over the moon", "through the woods", and "behind the wall" are examples of prepositional phrases) so that the structure of the entire sentence may be represented as
<noun-phrase> <verb> <prep-phrase>
Then we might recognize that prepositional phrases can modify verbs, again creating a single unit (e.g., "ran to the car", "arose from bed") leaving us with something like
<noun-phrase> <verb-phrase>
which we should finally recognize the canonical structure of a well-formed sentence: a thing does a thing. A bit hand-wavy, but this accounts roughly for what we do when we judge that the above sentence is grammatical.
Putting these steps in reverse order (and starting with a single
symbol <sentence>
) we get something that looks like a proof that
the cow jumped over the moon
is a grammatical sentence.
<sentence> <noun phrase> <verb phrase> <noun phrase> <verb> <prep phrase> <noun phrase> <verb> <prep> <noun phrase> <article> <noun> <verb> <prep> <article> <noun> the cow jumped over the moon
That is, a representation of our congnitive process. And if we squint, we can see something that hierarchical, something that looks a bit like the parse tree in the introduction to this chapter.
S ├───────┐ NP VP ├───┐ ├──────┐ A N V PP │ │ │ ├────┐ │ │ │ P NP │ │ │ │ ├───┐ │ │ │ │ A N │ │ │ │ │ │ the cow jumped over the moon
A formal grammar is meant to model this cognitive process of classifying a sentence as grammatical by verifying that it has the "right" hierarchical structure.
When defining a formal grammar, we fix ourselves to a collection of
symbols. These symbols are divided into two disjoint groups: the
terminal symbols and the non-terminal symbols. We will always
notate a non-terminal symbol by something of the form <non-term>
(where we replace non-term
with something more descriptive) and
terminal symbols by sequence of (typically) alphanumeric symbols.
Remark. We almost never state outright what the underlying symbols of a grammar are. It should always be possible to determine what terminal and non-terminal symbols we are considering by looking at the BNF specification itself.
In the proof that the cow jumped over the moon
was grammatical, we
built a sequence of not-quite sentences, until the very last one which
was an actual sentences. We call these not-quite sentences sentential
Definition. A sentential form is a sequence of symbols (terminal or non-terminal). A sentence is a sequence of terminal symbols.
Remark. We notate a sequences of symbols by white space separation. For example,
the dog jumpedis a sentence and
the <noun> jumped
is a sentential form. But it is important to note that this is just notation. If it helps, it may be useful to imagine a list
[the; <noun>; jumped]when thinking about what a sentential form is.
In the process of building sentential forms, we replaced non-terminal
symbols with sentential forms, e.g., we replaced <noun phrase>
<article> <noun>
. A grammar is determined by what replacements we
are allowed to do.
Definition. A production rule is an equation of the form
<non-term> ::= SENTENTIAL-FORMwhere the left-hand side of the
is a non-terminal symbol, and the right-hand side is a sentential form.
We read a production rule as: "the non-terminal symbol on the left-hand side can be replaced with the sentential form on the right hand side." In a sense, production rules define the non-terminal symbols, e.g., a sentence is a noun phrase followed by a verb phrase.
Definition. A Backus-Naur Form (BNF) specification is a collection of production rules, together with a designated the starting symbol.
We will always take the start symbol will be designated as the left-hand side of the first rule appearing in a specification.
Example. The following is an example of a grammar which recognizes the sentence above.
<sentence> ::= <noun-phrase> <verb-phrase> <verb-phrase> ::= <verb> <prep-phrase> <verb-phrase> ::= <verb> <prep-phrase> ::= <prep> <noun-phrase> <noun-phrase> ::= <article> <noun> <article> ::= the <noun> ::= cow <noun> ::= moon <verb> ::= jumped <prep> ::= overThe nonterminal symbol
is our starting symbol because it appears as the left-hand side of the first rule.
Note that a non-terminal symbol can have multiple associated production rules. This is common enough that we have special syntax for this.
Notation. We write
<non-term> ::= SENT-FORM-1 | SENT-FORM-2 | ... | SENT-FORM-nas shorthand for
<non-term> ::= SENT-FORM-1 <non-term> ::= SENT-FORM-2 ... <non-term> ::= SENT-FORM-n
With this shorthand, we can write the above grammar as:
<sentence> ::= <noun-phrase> <verb-phrase> <verb-phrase> ::= <verb> | <verb> <prep-phrase> <prep-phrase> ::= <prep> <noun-phrase> <noun-phrase> ::= <article> <noun> <article> ::= the <noun> ::= cow | moon <verb> ::= jumped <prep> ::= over
The last piece of the thought experiment above that we need to formalize is the proof that the given sentence was grammatical. We formalize this in the notion of a derivation.
Definition. A derivation of a sentence
in a BNF grammar is a sequence of sentential forms with the following properties:
- it beginning with the designated start symbol;
- it ends in the sentence
;- each sentential form is a the result of replacing one of the non-terminal symbols in the preceding sentence with a sentential form according to a production rule of the grammar.
We say that a grammar recognizes a sentence
if there is a derivation ofS
in the grammar.
This definition restates the process from the thought experiment mathematically. That said, it deviates in one way which makes the definition easier to state: in the thought experiment, we allowed ourselves to replace multiple non-terminal symbols simultaneously. This is not allowed in the above notion of a derivation. A correct derivation would look like:
<sentence> <noun-phrase> <verb-phrase> <noun-phrase> <verb> <prep-phrase> <noun-phrase> <verb> <prep> <noun-phrase> <article> <noun> <verb> <prep> <noun-phrase> <article> <noun> <verb> <prep> <article> <noun> the <noun> <verb> <prep> <article> <noun> the cow <verb> <prep> <article> <noun> the cow jumped <prep> <article> <noun> the cow jumped over <article> <noun> the cow jumped over the <noun> the cow jumped over the moon
Exercise. In the above derivation, mark the nonterminal in each sentential form which was replaced in the following line.
A sentence is not guaranteed to have a unique derivation. There are two forms of derivations that will be of particular importance for us.
Definition. A leftmost derivation of a sentence is one in which the leftmost nonterminal symbol is expanded in each step. A rightmost derivation is one in which the rightmost nonterminal symbol is expanded in each step.
Note that the above derivation is neither the leftmost derivation or the rightmost derivation.
Exercise. Write leftmost and rightmost derivations for the sentence
the cow jumped over the moonin the above grammar.
A More Interesting Example
The following is a BNF specification for a fragment of a simple imperative programming language.
<program> ::= <stmts> <stmts> ::= <stmt> | <stmt> ; <stmts> <stmt> ::= <var> = <expr> <var> ::= a | b | c | d <expr> ::= <term> | <term> + <term> | <term> - <term> <term> ::= <var> | const
In English, we would read this specification as:
- a SEQUENCE OF STATEMENTS is either a single STATEMENT, or a single STATEMENT followed a semicolon, followed by a SEQUENCE OF STATEMENTS;
- a STATEMENT is a VARIABLE followed by an equals sign, followed by an EXPRESSION.
and so on.
This second rule highlights something interesting which we can do in
BNF specifications: rules are allowed to be recursive. The
production rule for <stmts>
allows us to replace it with a
sentential form which contains the non-terminal symbol <stmts>
This is quite powerful, particularly because it means it is possible
to derive an infinite number of sentences in a given grammar.
Exercise. Determine the number of sentences that can be derived in the grammar from the previous section (i.e., the number of sentences which can be derived from the starting symbol
Consider the following program.
a = const ; a = a + const ; b = a
We can verify that this program is recognized by the above grammar by finding a (leftmost) derivation.
<program> <stmts> <stmt> ; <stmts> <var> = <expr> ; <stmts> a = <expr> ; <stmts> a = <term> ; <stmts> a = const ; <stmts> a = const ; <stmt> ; <stmts> a = const ; <var> = <expr> ; <stmts> a = const ; a = <expr> ; <stmts> a = const ; a = <term> + <term> ; <stmts> a = const ; a = <var> + <term> ; <stmts> a = const ; a = a + <term> ; <stmts> a = const ; a = a + const ; <stmts> a = const ; a = a + const ; <var> = <expr> a = const ; a = a + const ; b = <expr> a = const ; a = a + const ; b = <term> a = const ; a = a + const ; b = <var> a = const ; a = a + const ; b = a
Remark. As a reminder, we're not interested in white space when we consider whether or not a sentence is recognized by a grammar. The choice to present the sentences in three lines was for readability, and the choice to present it in a single line in the derivation was for convenience.
One notable feature of the last four lines of the above derivation:
even if a nonterminal symbol is replaced by a single nonterminal
symbol in succession, we have to include each step. We're only
allowed to apply one production rule at a time, e.g., we cannot
immedatiely replace <expr>
with <var>
because that is not one of
our production rules.
Exercise. Write a rightmost derivation for the above program.
Exercise. Verify that
a = a + a ; b = bis recognized by the above grammar.
Parse Trees
Grammars imbue sentences with hierarchical structure. This structure is represented graphically as a parse tree. We've seen a couple examples of English grammar parse trees so far, but we can also build parse trees for sentences recognized by any grammar with a BNF specification.
Definition. A parse tree for a sentence
in a grammar is a treeT
with the following properties:
- every leaf of
has a terminal symbol;- every non-leaf node
has a nonterminal symbol (we writeval(n)
for the value atn
);if a node
with has children[t1, t2, ..., tk]
thenval(n) ::= root(t1) root(t2) ... root(tk)is a production rule in the grammar (where
denotes the value at the root of the treet
);- the leaves (in order) (i.e., the frontier of
) form the sentenceS
The details of the above definition are not so important, as long as
you have the right picture in your head. For example, the sentence a
= b + const
has the following derivation.
<program> <stmts> <stmt> <var> = <expr> a = <expr> a = <term> + <term> a = <var> + <term> a = b + <term> a = b + const
And has the following parse tree.
<program> │ <stmts> │ <stmt> ├─────┬───┐ <var> │ <expr> │ │ ├──────┬─┐ │ │ <term> │ <term> │ │ │ │ │ │ │ <var> │ │ │ │ │ │ │ a = b + const
Remark. You don't have to draw your trees in this rectilinear styling. If you're drawing one on paper, I'd recommend drawing it like any other tree you've drawn for another computer science course. I just have a predilection for ASCII art…
Exercise. Given the ADT
type 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Node of 'a * 'a tree listwrite the OCaml function
which, given
of type'a tree
returns the list of leaves of
in order from left to right.
Every derivation can be converted into a parse tree, and vice versa, but multiple derivations may correspond to the same parse tree. This will be important when we cover ambiguity in the next section.
Exercise. Write a derivation corresponding to the above parse tree when is neither leftmost nor rightmost.
As participants of language, we are no strangers to grammatical ambiguity. Take, for instance, the following sentence:2
John saw the man on the mountain with the telescope
Was John using the telescope? Was the man carrying the telescope? Are the multiple mountains, one of which has a telescope on it?
The ambiguity exists because it is not clear which hierarchical structure should scaffold the sentence. Here's a possible parse trees for the sentence.
S ├────┐ NP VP │ ├───┬───────────────────────┐ N V NP PP │ │ ├───────┐ │ │ │ NP PP │ │ │ │ ├──┐ ├────┐ │ │ │ P NP P NP │ │ ├───┐ │ ├───┐ │ ├───┐ │ │ A N │ A N │ A N │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ John saw the man on the mountain with the telescope
The propositional phrase with the telescope
is grouped alongside the
verb phrase starting with saw
, indicating that John was using the
telescope. Another option:
S ├────┐ NP VP │ ├───┐ N V NP │ │ ├───────┐ │ │ NP PP │ │ ├───┐ ├──┐ │ │ A N P NP │ │ │ │ │ ├────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ NP PP │ │ │ │ │ ├───┐ ├────┐ │ │ │ │ │ A N P NP │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ├───┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ A N │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ John saw the man on the mountain with the telescope
The prepositional phrase with the telescope
is part of the noun
phrase with the mountain
, indicating the there is a telescope on the
mountain and the man is climbing that mountain.
The ambiguity comes from not being completely sure which parse tree to give to the sentence; we experience language in a linear fashion, either by reading it or hearing it. If our interlocutor could display the parse tree of their statement (floating eerily in space before your eyes) there would be nothing to say of (grammatical) ambiguity.
But this is not how we experience language, or how we write programs for that matter. To drive the point home, there is a natural-enough looking grammar which recognizes the above sentence.
<s> ::= <np> <vp> <vp> ::= <v> | <v> <np> | <v> <np> <pp> <pp> ::= <p> <np> <np> ::= <n> | <d> <n> | <np> <pp> <n> ::= John | man | mountain | telescope <v> ::= saw <d> ::= the <p> ::= on | with
The above sentence has multiple parse trees in the above grammar. Equivalently, since parse trees correspond to exactly one leftmost derivation (you should try to convince yourself of this), it also has multiple leftmost derivations.
Exercise. Give two leftmost derivations of
John saw the man on the mountain with the telescopein the above grammar.
Ambiguity in natural language is a complex topic, but restricted to formal grammars, ambiguity is a well-defined notion.
Definition. A grammar is ambiguous there is a sentence it recognizes which has two distinct parse trees. Equivalently, it is ambiguous of there is a sentence it recognizes which has two distinct leftmost derivations.
Thus, the above grammar is ambiguous in the mathematical sense.
More to the point, consider the following grammar which may be seen as a prototype of a grammar for arithmetic expressions (something we will probably want if we're to give a grammar for a programming language).
<expr> ::= <var> | <expr> <op> <expr> <op> ::= + | - | * | / <var> ::= x
This seems, ignoring obvious issues, a reasonable enough definition; an expression is either a variable or a pair of expressions with an operator between them. Note that the recursive nature of the first production rule means that this grammar recognizes an infinite number of sentence.
Exercise. Give a leftmost a derivation of
x * x + x * x
in the above grammar.
But, with regards to ambiguity, we should already be suspicious of the first production rule. As soon as we've applied the (second alternative of) the first production rule twice we have the partial derivation:
<expr> <expr> <op> <expr> <expr> <op> <expr> <op> <expr>
For the third line, which of the two <expr>
symbols did we expand?
To make this concrete, here are two parse trees for the sentence x +
x + x
<expr> <expr> ├──────┬────┐ ├──────────────────┬────┐ <expr> <op> <expr> <expr> <op> <expr> │ │ ├──────┬────┐ ├──────┬────┐ │ │ <var> │ <expr> <op> <expr> <expr> <op> <expr> │ <var> │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ <var> │ <var> <var> │ <var> │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ x + x + x x + x + x
These two parse trees correspond to the following two leftmost derivations (the first for the tree on the left, the second for the tree on the right).
<expr> <expr> <op> <expr> <var> <op> <expr> x <op> <expr> x + <expr> x + <expr> <op> <expr> x + <var> <op> <expr> x + x <op> <expr> x + x + <expr> x + x + <var> x + x + x <expr> <expr> <op> <expr> <expr> <op> <expr> <op> <expr> <var> <op> <expr> <op> <expr> x <op> <expr> <op> <expr> x + <expr> <op> <expr> x + <var> <op> <expr> x + x <op> <expr> x + x + <expr> x + x + <var> x + x + x
This demonstrates that the above grammar is ambiguous.
Aside. In this example, and many of the examples we will see, it will be fairly clear that the grammar is ambiguous. As students of computer science, we might think that we could write a program that checks for us if a grammar is ambiguous. Unfortunately, this is impossible (not just very difficult, but impossible). This is to say that determining if a context-free grammar is ambiguous is undecidable (a term worth looking up if this piques your interest).
Avoiding Ambiguity
Our next task it to determine how to avoid this ambiguity, but first, why should we care? Natural language is ambiguous and we get along perfectly fine. Why should we go through this trouble to make sure grammars we design are unambiguous?
It's a fair question; the way I see it, it's something of a promise that we make to the user of a programming language that we never make unspoken assumptions about what a user meant when we read one of their programs. To be fair, we try to do this with natural language too, but in communication, if a statement is ambiguous, we can usually just ask our interlocutor what they meant. We can't do this for a program, so instead we make it impossible for a sentence to have multiple meanings.
Aside. We see a similar phenomena in legal language, which tends to be grammatically sterile, and usually no fun to read.
(Reverse) Polish Notation
If our only concern is avoiding ambiguity, we can use Polish notation or reverse polish notation. In Polish notation, operators appear before all their arguments, e.g.
<expr> ::= <var> | <op> <expr> <expr> <op> ::= + | - | * | / <var> ::= x
We won't dwell on this but it turns out this gives us an unambiguous grammar, we don't even need parentheses.
It's not difficult to then guess what reverse polish notation is:
operators always appear after all their arguments. This is how
early calculators like HP 9100A Desktop Calculator were designed. If
you wanted to calculate something (2 + 3) * (4 - 5)
, you would
push the values you want to apply operations to onto a stack, and
then apply operations to the top elements of the stack, like so:
STACK RPN EXPRESSION 2 2 2 3 2 3 5 2 3 + 5 4 2 3 + 4 5 4 5 2 3 + 4 5 5 (-1) 2 3 + 4 5 - (-5) 2 3 + 4 5 - *
So the sequence of tokens you end up typing into the calculator is an expression in reverse polish notation.
Exercise. Derive the sentence
+ * x * x - x x x xin the above grammar.
The obvious issue with (reverse) polish notation is that it's difficult to read. Imagine working with a language in which if-then-else logic had to be done like this:
IFTHENELSE cond IFTHENELSE IFTHENELSE cond ifcase elsecase ifcase elsecase elsecase
This is in part to say that what truly causes ambiguity in expressions is complex operator fixity.
Definition. The fixity of an operator refers to where the (syntactic components of an) operator is placed relative to its arguments. There are four kinds of operator fixity.
- A prefix operator appears before its arguments. This is like function application in OCaml, e.g.,
f x
not b
- A postfix operator appears after its arguments. This is like type constructor application in OCaml, e.g.,
int list
bool option list
- An infix operator appears in between its arguments. This is like arithmetic operations we learn in primary school, e.g.,
2 + 3
4 / 5
- A mixfix operator is an operator with multiple syntactic components which may appear as some combination of prefix, infix and postfix. This is like if-then-else expressions or anonymous functions in OCaml, e.g.,
if b then x else y
fun x -> e
If we want to contend with operator fixity (i.e., we don't want just prefix or just postfix operators, as in polish notation or reverse polish notation) then we have to work to avoid ambiguity.
Another simple solution is to surround applications of operations with parentheses:
<expr> ::= <var> | ( <expr> <op> <expr> ) <op> ::= + | - | * | / <var> ::= x
It then becomes very clear in a derivation like
<expr> ( <expr> <op> <expr> ) ( ( <expr> <op> <expr> ) <op> <expr> )
which <expr>
in the second line we expanded. But we run into a
similar issue: lots of parentheses are no fun to read or type.
Exercise. Give a derivation of
( ( ( x * x ) * x ) + ( x / x ) )in the above grammar.
Aside. The cult of parentheses is real. Programming languages based on LISP use full parenthesization and prefix notation. Many people consider this to be elegant, and many others believe it to be ugly as hell.
So, our real basic question is: how do we avoid grammar while being able to mix operator fixities and not use so many parentheses? And this question has a simple answer in theory: make explicit assumptions about how operator arguments are grouped. This will mean contending with two things: associativity and precedence.
Associativity refers to how arguments are grouped when we are given a sequence of applications of an infix operator in the absence of parentheses, e.g.,
x + x + x + x
may be understood as any one of the following (among others):
(((x + x) + x) + x) (x + (x + (x + x))) ((x + x) + (x + x)) (x + ((x + x) + x))
Exercise. Determine the number of ways the expression
x + x + x + xcan be parenthesized.
In the case of addition this point is somewhat moot. The order in which we group arguments does not affect the value of a sequence of additions. That is, addition is associative.
Definition. An operator \(\circ: X \to X \to X\) is associative if
\begin{align*} (a \circ b) \circ c = a \circ (b \circ c) \end{align*}for any \(a\), \(b\), and \(c\) in \(X\).
Not all operators are associative. Take division for example. We need to decide how to implicitly parenthesize an expression like
\begin{align*} a / b / c / d \end{align*}Again, we could try to bar the ability to write an expression like this, but we might rather avoid using parentheses if possible.
Exercise. How does OCaml evaluate the expression
100 / 5 / 4
? How are arguments grouped?
For binary operators, we typically choose one of the first two choices in the list of parenthesizations above.
Definition. A operation \(\circ : X \to X \to X\) is said to be left-associative if sequences of applications of the operator are understood as grouping arguments from the left, i.e.,
\begin{align*} a \circ b \circ c \circ d = (((a \circ b) \circ c) \circ d) \end{align*}for any \(a\), \(b\), \(c\), and \(d\), in \(X\). It's said to be right-associative if arguments are grouped from the right, i.e.,
\begin{align*} a \circ b \circ c \circ d = (a \circ (b \circ (c \circ d))) \end{align*}
Remark. Another option is that a binary operator can have no associativity. It does not, for instance, make sense to apply a sequence of
operators in OCaml.
Bringing this back to grammatical ambiguity, giving a parenthesization
of a sequence of operators means specifying a "shape" for the
corresponding parse tree. For example, taking addition to be
left-associative, i.e., taking x + x + x
to mean ((x + x) + x)
implies that, of the two parse trees for this sentence in the above
image, the one on the right should be the "correct" one, not the
one on the left.
Example. Another common ambiguous grammar in programming languages is the one for function types.
<fun-type> ::= <int-type> | <fun-type> -> <fun-type> <int-type> ::= int
Exercise. Give two leftmost derivations of
int -> int -> int
in the above grammar.
Aside. Looking ahead a bit, we will end up building parsers using a parser generator. In this setting, specifying the associativity of an operator will be simple: there will be a command for doing so, a line we'll add to the code. But we can also deal with associativity in the grammar itself.
Function types are right associative, so we understand
int -> int -> intto be parenthesized implicitly as
int -> (int -> int)The problem, as it stands, is that because of the production rule
<fun-type> ::= <fun-type> -> <fun-type>the argument type can an arbitrary complex function type. But we might recognize that, no matter how deep the nesting, the argument types have the special property in the case we assume right associativity: they're always just
. Therefore, we might consider the following updated grammar.<fun-type> ::= <int-type> | <int-type> -> <fun-type> <int-type> ::= intIn this grammar, no matter how many times you apply the second alternative of the first production rule, the argument type is always just the
type. So we were, in fact, able to restrict the shape of the parse tree for sentences, by breaking the symmetry the production rule. (This, of course, is more complicated once we start considering higher-order functions).
Exercise. Write the leftmost derivation of
int -> int -> intin the above grammar, along with its parse tree.
In the examples from the previous section, there was only one operator. In the presence of multiple operators we have new issues to deal with. How should something like \(x * y + z\) be implicitly parenthesized?
This is an issue of precedence or order of operations something probably already somewhat familiar to you.
If you went through the American public school system then you probably learned the abbreviation PEMDAS ((P)arentheses, (E)xponentiation, (M)ultiplication, (D)ivision, (A)ddition, (S)ubtraction, along with an accompanying mnemonic, something like "please excuse my dear aunt sally"). Focusing on just the last four letters, this rule tells us that we should group multiplications and divisions first, and then group additions and subtractions. That is to say, multiplication and division have greater precedence than addition and subtraction.
Definition. The precedence of an operator, relative to another operator, determines which operator binds more tightly, in the presents of ambiguity.
Example. The expression \(2 * 3 + 4 * 5\) should be implicitly parenthesized as \((2 * 3) + (4 * 5)\) because multiplication binds tighter, it is considered first.
The relative precedence of a collection of operators determines the
"shape" of the parse tree we get when we generate the sentence with a
grammar. To say that multiplication has higher precedence is to say
that when we build the parse tree for x * x + x
, we want +
to be
the top-level operation, at the root of the tree.
Remark. One thing that was probably glossed over if/when you learned PEMDAS: what do you do with something like \(1 + 1 - 1 + 1\)? Do you group additions and then subtractions? Or vice versa? The issue here is that addition and subtraction have the same precedence. In this case, we will use the associativity of the operators to determine how to parenthesize: given a sequences of operators of the same precedence, we use their associativity to group them.
Since addition and subtraction are both left-associative, this would be parenthesized as \(((1 + 1) - 1) + 1\). Things can get truly ugly if you have two operators with the same precedence, but different associativity. We will ignore this possibility in this course, but this really matters in languages like Haskell, in which users can define their own operators, with specified precedence and associativity.
All of this is to say: in order to define an unambiguous grammar without parentheses, we need to know three things of each operator appearing in the grammar: fixity, associativity, and precedence. Fixity is determined directly by the production rules, but we will have to specify associativity and precedence explicitly.
We can, for example, present the four basic arithmetic operators along with this information. The operators are presented in order of decreasing precedence.3
Operator | Fixity | Associativity |
* , / |
infix | left |
+ , - |
infix | left |
In fact, just like the grammar for the OCaml is given in the OCaml Manual, so is the associativity and precedence of all its operators.
Aside. As with associativity, we will be able to specify precedence the parser generator we use. And, as with associativity, we can also deal with precedence in the grammar itself.
In the case of arithmetic expressions, we use similar observations:
- because of associativity, the right argument of multiplication or division must be a variable
;- because of precedence, the left argument of multiplication or division must contain only multiplications and divisions;
- because of associativity, the right argument of addition or subtraction must be an expression with only multiplications and divisions.
These observations yields the following grammar. I've tried to use suggestive names to indicate how the three points above manifest.
<expr> ::= <only-mul-div> | <expr> <add-sub> <only-mul-div> <only-mul-div> ::= <var> | <only-mul-div> <mul-div> <var> <add-sub> ::= + | - <mul-div> ::= * | / <var> ::= x
Exercise. Give the leftmost derivation of
x * x + x * xin the above grammar. Also draw its parse tree.
Proving that this grammar is unambiguous is a bit tricky (we won't do this). It suffices to say that, given we know how to parenthesize such expressions, and this grammar captures the rules we use, it would seem to be ambiguous.
Parentheses (Again)
We're not quite done. Without parentheses, we can't derive all expressions we might want to write down. This is important: parentheses in a programming language aren't just "there" implicitly. We have to explicitly include them in our grammar.
Given the rules we've described above, we cannot write an expression (without parentheses) which is equivalent to
(x + x) + x
To give a complete specification of the arithmetic expressions we know and love, we have to add back parentheses (this is the "P" part of PEMDAS).
But where should we put parentheses into the grammar? As we saw
above, if we put them everywhere, we get unnecessarily verbose
sentences. Rather, it should be the case that: it should be possible
put any expression as an argument to operator if it's wrapped in
parentheses. For this we will replace <var>
with something can also
be any expression wrapped in parentheses.
<expr> ::= <only-mul-div> | <expr> <add-sub> <only-mul-div> <only-mul-div> ::= <var-or-parens> | <only-mul-div> <mul-div> <var-or-parens> <add-sub> ::= + | - <mul-div> ::= * | / <var-or-parens> ::= x | ( <expr> )
We might worry that now, it is again possible to have an arbitrary expression as an argument to an operator, but the point is that, if we do this, it must be wrapped in parentheses, which ensures unambiguity.
> Exercise. Give a leftmost derivation of
( x + x ) * xin the above grammar. Draw its parse tree.
Exercise. (Challenge) According to PEMDAS, we also need to handle exponentiation. Give a grammar for arithmetic expressions including parentheses and exponentiation, using the following operator information.
Operator Fixity Associativity ^
infix right *
infix left +
infix left
Exercise. (Challenge) Write a grammar for Boolean expressions in Python. You can check what sorts of expressions are allowed by using the Python interpreter.
Extended BNF
There are a number of extensions to the BNF (meta-)syntax which make it more usable. If you go digging around the Internet for Extended BNF (EBNF), you'll find a couple definitions, most of which are more complex than what we will choose to call EBNF here. That said, the extensions we consider in this short section are the ones that will be available in the parser generator we use in the next chapter.
We use [ SENT-FORM ]
to notate part of a production rule which is
optional. We may, for instance, want to write a language which has
both if-then and if-then-else expressions. Rather than using the BNF
production rules
<if-expr> ::= if <expr> then <expr> | if <expr> then <expr> else <expr>
we can use the EBNF production rule
<if-expr> ::= if <expr> then <expr> [ else <expr> ]
These two rules express the same thing. In fact, all BNF production rules are also EBNF production rules, and all EBNF production rules can be rewritten as a collection of BNF production rules.
Exercise. Rewrite the following EBNF production rule as a collection of BNF production rules.
<a> ::= a [ <b> ] [ a ]
Remark. One issue with extending BNF is now we've made it harder to express grammars which include the symbols used for the EBNF extensions (e.g.,
). In practice this is not a problem, we will try to be very explicit if something like[
appears as part of a symbol of the grammar, and not a part of the specification of the grammar.
We use ( SENT-FORM₁ | SENT-FORM₂ | ... | SENT-FORMₖ )
to notate the
choice of multiple sentential forms as part of a production rule.
In the previous section we defined a grammar for arithmetic
expressions with multiple rules for the choice of operation.
<expr> ::= <only-mul-div> | <expr> <add-sub> <only-mul-div> <only-mul-div> ::= <var-or-parens> | <only-mul-div> <mul-div> <var-or-parens> <add-sub> ::= + | - <mul-div> ::= * | / <var-or-parens> ::= x | ( <expr> )
We can simplify this in EBNF by removing the production rules for operators.
<expr> ::= <only-mul-div> | <expr> (+ | -) <only-mul-div> <only-mul-div> ::= <var-or-parens> | <only-mul-div> (* | /) <var-or-parens> <var-or-parens> ::= x | ( <expr> )
We use { SENT-FORM }
to notate a part of a production rule which can
be repeated as many times as we want. We can also combine this with
the alternative notation to as
to represent a collection of choices we may repeat as many times as we want.
In the same grammar as above, we can rewrite the recursive production rules in terms of repetition.
<expr> ::= <only-mul-div> { (+ | -) <only-mul-div> } <only-mul-div> ::= <var-or-parens> { (* | /) <var-or-parens> } <var-or-parens> ::= x | ( <expr> )
Exercise. (Challenge) Write an EBNF specification for Boolean expressions in Python.
It can be used as a prefix operator if put in
parentheses, e.g. (+) x 1
, but it cannot in any circumstances be
used as a postfix operator. We will discuss fixity in more detail
This sentence is taken from the Wikipedia article on syntactic ambiguity.
We can only present the table like this because we assume that all operators of the same precedence also have the same fixity.