The Interpretation Pipeline

Table of Contents

When we write a program in our favorite programming language1 we fill a file with a bunch of symbols and text. This is one of the beauties of programming: looking past the bells and whistles provided by editors and IDEs, a program is just a stream of characters.

At some point in our programming workflow (hopefully not the very end) we want to verify that what we've written thus far actually works, so we run our program. In some IDEs, this literally means pressing a play button. For more down-to-earth setups, this might mean opening up a terminal and typing out a few commands.

In either case, we are running a different program in order to run the program we've written (huh). Our goal is to understand what's going on here. What is this program doing? How does it do it? What sorts of data structures does this program use? etc., etc.

Our intuition should probably tell us this program is doing something fairly complicated. Just imagine how hard it is for us as humans (and, more specifically, students) to follow directions.2

So, our basic question is: How do we get from that stream of symbols to the output of our program?

Interpretation vs. Compilation

We start by making a loose but ultimately important distinction, that of interpretation versus compilation. At the risk of oversimplifying, we will use the following definitions to distinguish between these two processes.

  • Interpretation is the process of taking a source program and its input, and then running it immediately to get its output.
  • Compilation is the process of taking a source program in a high-level language and then translating it into a program in a low-level language which can be given input and run separately.

These processes are often represented by the following (somewhat unreasonably) simple diagrams.

  • Interpretation:

    char stream ────►┌─────────────┐
                     │ INTERPRETER │────► output
          input ────►└─────────────┘
  • Compilation:

    char stream ────►│ COMPILER │─╮
                     └──────────┘ │
              ╭─low-level program─╯
                     │  TARGET  │───► output
          input ────►└──────────┘

Again, this is a loose distinction. There may be intermediate translations in the process of interpretation (this is what OCaml does). We'll look briefly at compilation but we'll focus primarily on interpretation.

Pure Interpretation Pipeline

So, what's happening inside an interpreter? We start with a diagram. We can think of this image as providing a window into the INTERPRETER box above.

                 |   ┌────────────────────┐   |
char stream ────────►│  LEXICAL ANALYSIS  │─╮ |
                 |   └────────────────────┘ │ |
                 | ╭──────token stream──────╯ |
                 | │ ┌────────────────────┐   |
                 | ╰►│ SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS │─╮ |
                 |   └────────────────────┘ │ |
                 | ╭───────parse tree───────╯ |
                 | │ ┌────────────────────┐   |
                 | ╰►│  SEMANTIC ANALYSIS │─╮ |
                 |   └────────────────────┘ │ |
                 | ╭─────────AST/IR─────────╯ |
                 | ╰►┌────────────────────┐   |
      input ────────►│     EVALUATION     │────────► output
                 |   └────────────────────┘   |

There's a lot to parse here (pun intended), but this also gives us an outline of what is to come:

  • The first two boxes turn a stream of characters we've typed up into something that we can evaluate, i.e., that we can "run". This part of interpretation is about the form (or syntax) of the program. We will use formal grammars to represent this form mathematically and we will use parser generators to set up the code for these two boxes. Just like natural language, programming languages are hierarchical, and making that heirarchical structure explicit will make it easier to evaluate.
  • The next box is where we do type checking and/or type inference. It's during this part of the pipeline that we verify if the programming we're planning on evaluating actually makes sense. If it does, then we can pass it onto the evaluator, perhaps in a simpler form called an abstract syntax tree (AST) or occassionally some other intermediate reprentation (IR).
  • The last box actually runs our program to get its output, its value. This part of interpetation is about the meaning (or semantics) of the program. We use formal semantics to describe what it means to give a program this meaning.

What's Next

Programming languages is one of these topics that has incredibly deep implications both in theory and in practice. It will be important to us not just to think about how to implement an interpreter, but also about the underlying logical frameworks we need for programming languages to make sense.

So there will be a frequent give-and-take here between theory and practice. Be prepared to do handwritten work (not quite proofs, but something akin to them) as well as programming (i.e., building the components interpreter).

We begin with the study of Formal Grammar, the basis of parsing (and also of theoretical linguistics).



I presume at this point that yours is OCaml.


Just think of how often do we find ourselves wishing we had read all the instructions before starting on some task (like we were told to do).