A Pedagogy Reading Group

This is the landing page for an informal reading group on pedagogy at Boston University. We meet a couple times a semester to discuss anything and everything pedagogy and teaching. The intended audience is anyone teaching (or who will teach) courses at BU who wants to think more about their practice.

If you want to be added to the email list for this group (or if you want to be removed from the email list), please send a message to nmmull at bu dot edu. If you're interesting in leading a discussion on a paper/book chapter that you read, or just a discussion of the form "this is what I've been thinking about recently", please send an message.

Fall 2024

For the fall 2024 semester we'll be meeting on Fridays 12-1PM in CDS 950. See the sections below for dates and topics.

2024-10-04 SIGCE 2024 Playlist

2024-11-08 TBD

2024-12-06 TBD