Table of Contents
Week 1 ✓
TUE 09-03 Lecture 1
- Title: Linear Equations
- Topics:
- Introduce systems of linear equations and discuss how to solve them
- Learn how to use matrices to represent systems of linear equations
- Material:
- Reading:
- Linear Algebra, Geomtry, and Computation (LAGC): Linear Equations
- Linear Algebra @BUCS (LABU): Linear Equations
- Interactive Linear Algebra (ILA) 1.1: Systems of Linear Equations
- Linear Algebra, Geomtry, and Computation (LAGC): Linear Equations
- Slides:
- Administrivia:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- read course information and course policies
- install Python + libraries
- get access to Piazza and Gradescope
- No office hours this week
THU 09-05 Lecture 2
- Title: Solving Linear Systems
- Topics:
- Continue looking at solve systems of linear equations
- Examine the relationship between row operations and solving systems of linear equations
- See how to use SymPy to solve linear systems, both step by step, and in a single function call
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Linear Equations
- LABU: Matrices and Row Operations
- ILA 1.2: Row Reductions
- Sympy: Matrices
- LAGC: Linear Equations
- Slides:
- Homework 1:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- Homework 1 is assigned
Week 2 ✓
TUE 09-10 Lecture 3
- Title: Echelon Forms
- Topics:
- Understand the shape of matrices which represent solutions to a system of linear equations (we need to know how to read off a solution from the output of Gaussian elimination)
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Gaussian Elimination
- LABU: Echelon Forms
- LAGC: Gaussian Elimination
- Slides:
- Reading:
THU 09-12 Lecture 4
- Title: Gaussian Elimination + Numerics
- Topics:
- Introduce and analyze Gaussian elimination, an algorithm for solving general systems of linear equations
- Revisit the problem of solving systems of linear equations with computers, this time in the presence of floating-point error
- Look more deeply at NumPy and how it can be used to reason about the concepts we've seen so far
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Gaussian Elimination
- LAGC: Numerics
- LABU: Gaussian Elimination
- LABU: Supplementary NumPy Tutorial
- Numpy: the absolute basics for beginners
- Floating-Point Arithemtic: Issues and Limitations
- LAGC: Gaussian Elimination
- Slides:
- IEEE 754 Converter
- Homework 2:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- Homework 1 is due
- Homework 2 is assigned
Week 3 ✓
TUE 09-17 Lecture 5
- Title: Vector Equations
- Topics:
- Connect the algebraic notion of a linear equation to the geometric notation of a vectors
- See how geometric properties of vectors reduce to solving systems of linear equations
- Look at the algebra of vectors
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Vector Equations
- ILA 2.1: Vectors
- ILA 2.2: Vector Equations and Spans
- LAGC: Vector Equations
- Slides:
- Reading:
THU 09-19 Lecture 6
- Title: Matrix-Vector Equations
- Topics:
- Define matrix-vector multiplication
- Use matrices-vector equations to represent systems of linear equations
- Look at the algebra of matrices and vectors
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Ax = b
- ILA 2.3: Matrix Equations
- LAGC: Ax = b
- Slides:
- Homework 3:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- Homework 2 is due
- Homework 3 is assigned
Week 4 ✓
TUE 09-24 Lecture 7
- Title: Linear Independence
- Topics:
- Introduce notion of linear independence as a way to understand if the span of a set of vectors is "as large as possible"
- Examine the relationship between linear independence and systems of linear equations (in particular, look at what the shape of a matrix says about the linear dependences of its columns)
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Linear Independence
- ILA 2.5: Linear Independence
- LAGC: Linear Independence
- Slides:
- Reading:
THU 09-26 Lecture 8
- Title: Linear Transformations
- Topics:
- Introduce linearity as a way of describing "well-behaved" functions on vectors.
- See examples and non-examples of linear functions (in particular, look at matrix-vector multiplication as the canonical example of a linear transformation)
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Linear Transformations
- ILA 3.1: Matrix Transformations
- ILA 3.3: Linear Transformations
- LAGC: Linear Transformations
- Slides:
- Homework 4:
- Week 4 Survey
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- Homework 3 is due
- Homework 4 is assigned
Week 5 ✓
TUE 10-01 Lecture 9
- Title: Matrices of Linear Transformations
- Topics:
- Show that, in fact, every linear transformation can be represented as a matrix transformation
- Introduce the notion of a basis (the simplest example being the standard basis) as a way of "decomposing" vectors simpler parts
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Matrix of a Linear Transformation
- ILA 3.2: One-to-one and Onto Transformations
- ILA 3.3: Linear Transformations
- LAGC: Matrix of a Linear Transformation
- Slides:
- Code:
- Reading:
THU 10-03 Lecture 10
- Title: Matrix Algebra
- Topics:
- Define matrix multiplication and look at how it interacts with other matrix operations like addition and scalar multiplication
- Connection matrix multiplication with the composition of linear transformations
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Matrix Algebra
- ILA 3.4: Matrix Multiplication
- LAGC: Matrix Algebra
- Slides:
- Homework 5:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- Homework 4 is due
- Homework 5 is assigned
Week 6 ✓
TUE 10-08 Lecture 11
- Title: Matrix Inverse
- Topics:
- Show how to "divide" by a matrix as a way of solving systems of linear equations (when possible)
- Examine how matrix inversion interacts with other matrix operations
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: The Inverse of a Matrix
- ILA 3.5: Matrix Inverses
- ILA 3.6: The Invertible Matrix Theorem
- LAGC: The Inverse of a Matrix
- Slides:
- Reading:
THU 10-10 Lecture 12
- Title: Invertible Matrix Theorem + Algebraic Graph Theory
- Topics:
- Review matrix inversion
- Connect everything we've seen so far in the case of square matrices (one theorem to rule them all…)
- See how matrices can be used to represent graphs (a.k.a. networks)
- See how matrix operations can be interpreted as operations on graphs
- Set up the conceptual framework for Markov chains and PageRank
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: The Inverse of a Matrix
- ILA 3.6: The Invertible Matrix Theorem
- LAGC: The Inverse of a Matrix
- Slides:
- Homework 6:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- Homework 5 is due
- Homework 6 is assigned
Week 7 ✓
THU 10-17 Lecture 13
- Title: Markov Chains
- Topics:
- Introduce Markov chains as an application of the topics we've covered
- Use Markov chains to reason about the long-term behavior of linear dynamical systems
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Markov Chains
- LAGC: Markov Chains
- Slides:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- Homework 6 is not due today, it's due next week
Week 8 ✓
TUE 10-22 Midterm Exam
- The midterm will be held during lecture
- See Piazza for details about the exam
THU 10-24 Lecture 14
- Title: Matrix Factorizations
- Topics:
- Discuss matrix factorization in general as a way to "get more information" about a matrix
- Look at the LU factorization as a faster way of solving the multiple matrix equations (over the same matrix)
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Matrix Factorizations
- LAGC: Matrix Factorizations
- Slides:
- Homework 7:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- Homework 6 is due
- Homework 7 is assigned
Week 9 ✓
TUE 10-29 Lecture 15
- Title: Computer Graphics
- Topics:
- Switch gears to talk about linear algebra and computer graphics, in particular the use of linear transformations and perspective transformations for rendering images of 3D objects on a 2D screen
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Computer Graphics
- LAGC: Computer Graphics
- Slides:
- Reading:
THU 10-31 Lecture 16
- Title: Subspaces
- Topics:
- Introduce subspaces and bases as a way to think more generally about space
- Extend our intuitions about planes in R3 to subspaces in Rn
- Connect subspaces to matrices and solving systems of linear equations
- Material:
- Reminders:
- Homework 7 is due
- Homework 8 is assigned
Week 10 ✓
TUE 11-05 Lecture 17
- Title: Dimension and Rank
- Topics:
- Introduce dimension as a way of quantifying how "large" a span is
- Learn techniques for finding bases for the column space and the null space of a matrix
- Relate the dimension of the column space and the null space of a matrix
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Dimension and Rank
- ILA 2.7: Basis and Dimension
- ILA 2.9: The Rank Theorem
- LAGC: Dimension and Rank
- Slides:
- Reading:
THU 11-07 Lecture 18
- Title: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Topics:
- Introduce eigenvectors as as way of thinking about vectors which are "just stretched" by a matrix
- Determine how to verify eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix
- Use eigenvectors to reason about linear dynamical systems
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
- ILA 5.1: Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
- LAGC: Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
- Slides:
- Homework 9:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- Homework 8 is due
- Homework 9 is assigned
Week 11 ✓
TUE 11-12 Lecture 19
- Title: The Characteristic Equation
- Topics:
- Look breifly at the notion of the determinant of a matrix
- Determine how to find eigenvalues (not just verify them)
- Connect eigenvalues to polynomials (?)
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: The Characteristic Equation
- ILA 5.2: The Characteristic Polynomial
- LAGC: The Characteristic Equation
- Slides:
- Reading:
THU 11-14 Lecture 20
- Title: Diagonalization
- Topics:
- Examine another matrix factorization related to basis changes
- Walk through how to diagonlize a matrix
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGD: Diagonalization
- ILA 5.4: Diagonalization
- LAGD: Diagonalization
- Slides:
- Homework 10:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- Homework 9 is due
- Homework 10 is assigned
Week 12 ✓
TUE 11-19 Lecture 21
- Title: Orthogonality
- Topics:
- Introduce familiar notions like "length" and "angles" into our study of vectors
- Look at the special case of "right" angles between vectors, i.e., orthogonality
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Analytic Geometry in Rn
- ILA 6.1: Dot Products and Orthogonality
- LAGC: Analytic Geometry in Rn
- Slides:
- Reading:
THU 11-21 Lecture 22
- Title: Orthogonal Projection
- Topics:
- Introduce orthogonal projection as a way of finding the "shadow" of a vector in a subspace
- Connect orthogonality to matrices and linear transformations
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Orthogonal Sets and Projections
- ILA 6.3: Orthogonal Projections
- LAGC: Orthogonal Sets and Projections
- Slides:
- Homework 11:
- html
- starter code:
- html
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- Homework 10 is due
- Homework 11 is assigned
Week 13 ✓
TUE 11-26 Lecture 23
- Title: Least Squares
- Topics:
- Introduce the least squares method as a way of giving "approximate" solutions to systems of linear equations
- Demonstrate the relationship between orthogonal projection and least squares solutions
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Least Squares
- ILA 6.5: The Method of Least Squares
- LAGC: Least Squares
- Slides:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- There is no class on Thursday because of the Thanksgiving recess
Week 14 ✓
TUE 12-03 Lecture 24
- Title: Linear Models
- Topics:
- Look at applications of linear algebra in machine learning
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Linear Models
- LAGC: Linear Models
- Slides:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- There will be no discussion section on Monday because of the Thanksgiving recess
THU 12-05 Lecture 25
- Title: Symmetric Matrices
- Topics:
- Look at the special properties of the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of symmetric matrices
- Connect this to solving constrained optimization problems over quadratic forms
- Material:
- Reading:
- LAGC: Symmetric Matrices
- LAGC: Symmetric Matrices
- Slides:
- Homework 12:
- Reading:
- Reminders:
- Homework 11 is due
- Homework 12 is assigned (it is shorter than usual)
Week 15 ✓
Week 16
FRI 12-20 Final Exam
- The final exam will be held 3-5PM
- See Piazza for additional information